Pebbe Pets (Size S)


Natural, water-polished pebbles, hand painted by Lorraine. Choose from koalas, kangaroos, penguins, parrots, red-backed spiders or one of the many other animals, insects or flower options as your pebble pet.



Natural, water-polished pebbles, hand painted by Lorraine. Choose from koalas, kangaroos, penguins, parrots, red-backed spiders or one of the many other animals, insects or flower options as your pebble pet.

But why would I want a Pebble Pet? you may ask. After all, most people prefer a real dog or cat.

There are many advantages in a Pebble Pet. It won’t bark or scratch the furniture, you don’t have to take it for a walk every day, feed it, or clean up pet mess from the furniture or floor. It never gets sick or needs to be taken to the vet. It costs nothing to keep. And because each is individually painted, there is not another pet exactly like it anywhere in the world.

It’s useful too: Put your Pebble Pet to work as a paperweight on your desk, or place it by your front door with a note to remind you of something you must do – like turning the stove off before leaving the house, or making a phone call as soon as you arrive back home. Let it be a decorative item on your shelf, or a talking point when visitors come. You can even have a large Pebble Pet as a feature in a protected garden area, or one as a doorstop, heavy enough to prevent an open door from slamming shut. And whatever its size and character, if you’ve spent time on Kangaroo Island, your Pebble Pet will be a souvenir to bring back happy memories of the fabulous time you had while here.

See my catalogue for photos of the various kinds of Pebble Pets available right now, with their prices. Others will be added to the list as they become available.


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