Hi, my name is Rugi (Roo-gee), and I’m a male Western Grey kangaroo. My family and I live at Shalom Valley Farm Sanctuary on Kangaroo Island and life is pretty good …but things weren’t always so great. You see, I was once an orphan, the same as some of the other kangaroos here.
Many years ago my kangaroo mum died when I was still a baby … things didn’t look good. I heard people talking about what to do with me; it seemed that my short life was about to end. Then someone suggested that I be given to ‘Bob & Lorraine’. What did that mean? I cringed deeper into the bag I had been put in. You can’t imagine the fear I felt. Many hours later I was dumped unceremoniously onto a kitchen floor. ‘So’, I thought, ‘this was the end’.
Then I heard the most beautiful voice in the entire world, “Hello little one, welcome to your new home”. I looked up into the gentle, loving eyes of Lorraine, my new mum. Bob, my new dad was there too, bit of a gruff voice and looking like a bushman, but like Lorraine, he has a good heart. And so life at Shalom Valley started. For me. Although still frightened, I knew I was safe; this was not the end … but a new beginning.
Over the years I have seen many other roos come through the door and into our family. Each one gets the same love and care as I do, and now I’m here, the Alpha male, to reassure them that all will be well. Mum is writing some stories about us and the farm, so make sure you read them. I tried to help her but she said something about my claws hitting 5 keys at once and told me to go outside and play.
But I have things to do for my family. A list of projects I am planning to make things safer and better for all who live at Shalom Valley, even the wild roos and animals. Bob and Lorraine do as much as they can but there is so much to do! Will you help us please? You will!…great; have a look at my Rugi’s Projects page.
Well, better go and sort the family out. Yes, I’m a father now, and I’m glad my kids are safe here at Shalom Valley
Nice chatting with you
Your friend
Rugi Roo.